Finding Your Dream Career

Kim Beam brings you through a step-by-step process to find the career that will make you feel alive.

When you complete this course, you will not only have a well-rounded view of yourself, your heart, and what your soul longs for, but you will have actionable steps to take to help you make that vision a reality.

Kim brings you through the teachings given to you by your family.

Kim brings you through 5 different meditations that take you outside yourself. These meditations are guides to help you break out of the grooves you have played and replayed in your head about your life. These meditations allow you to feel the joy of living in completely different circumstances.

Kim brings you through three different meditations to help you break through resistance and the barriers that stop you, so you can move freely into the career of your dreams.

Kim helps you create a plan to move out of the life you are currently living and how to start creating the life you long to be living. She gives you the boots on the ground practical steps to build that plan.

But wait... there's MORE!

This course offers two bonus materials:

The first is guidance on how to accept more money into your life and how to become the career before you even see it in your life. This includes meditations and practices to help you become the roles emotionally in order to bring them into your present-day reality.

The second bonus is an introductory overview of Automatic Writing and how Automatic Writing - a journaling technique - can help you find your wisdom and your truth.

Course Content Delivers

15-minute time slot of 1:1 time with Kim

9 guided meditations

$225 value

1 journal to enhance the experience

$97 value

2 Bonus Modules:

Bonus 1 includes two meditations and a 20+ minute video

$86 value

Bonus 2 includes introduction to Automatic Writing

$25 value



What you take away from completing this course

  • Lifetime access to the materials

  • A deep sense of what makes you come alive and what you dream of doing with your life

  • Guidance on how to break down the barriers that stop you from moving forward into your dreams

  • A path created by you for you, a map if you will, to help you move in the direction of your dreams

  • Meditations that help you get in touch with your truth and your truest self

  • Meditations that break down barriers and the roadblocks that hinder you

  • Two different bonus materials that help you bring new practices into your life (These practices can break barriers to any issue you are having though they are geared to your career specifically. These practices can also deepen your relationship with yourself and your own inner wisdom.)

  • A journal that guides your thinking and helps deepen this practice  


Please read through the journal questions before starting - just to get an overview of the questions and the content of this course.

For the Bonus material - be sure to read the journal assignments before you start the Walking It Out video. There are some activities you need to complete before you start those videos and meditations. You will need index cards or sheets of paper to guide the practice.

Please set aside time to complete the course work and to focus in on the meditations. We recommend that you listen to the meditations when you will be able to focus uninterrupted and privately.

We recommend listening to the meditations with earbuds or headphones.

We ask that you like, share, and subscribe to Kim Beam’s podcast Social Work Your Life, and follow Kim Beam at @iamkimbeam on Instagram.

We would also love to hear a review of your experiences of this mini-course. Would you consider coming to to contact us and let us know what you sincerely think of this experience and if there is some other content you would like to see from Kim Beam and her team?

Please enjoy the materials of this course, but they are the personal intellectual property of Kim Beam and should you want to share the content, express permission from Kim Beam is needed to do so.

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