Walk in Courage:

Trusting the Whispers of

your Intuition

Kim Beam has been trying to write this book for years.

She finally gave up.

Then she looked at Source, and said, "You write it."

This a channeled work where Kim allows her Source to come through and help you learn all that she has learned over her 20 years of walking with her intuition.

So many people are afraid of their intuition.

Sometimes you find yourself in a rut.

Sometimes you second guess your choices, not knowing which way to go, not trusting yourself to get it right.

You are the captain of your ship

and the creator of your destiny.

Do you ever feel like you lost your treasure map?

Walk in Courage helps you

find the treasure map already inside yourself.

Do you long to hear and trust your inner knowing?

You are the author of your life.

Sometimes, it's nice to know there is help, guidance, a little boost on the journey.

Unlock the power of your intuition to navigate life with confidence, clarity, and a deep sense of purpose.

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